Monday, June 23, 2008


Dates: Dec 02, 2008 - Dec 04, 2008
Call for Papers :— Conference on Housing, Urban Poverty and Environment.

This is a call for researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers working on housing, urban poverty and environment issues to participate in an upcoming IDRC-sponsored expert meeting to be held in Kampala, Uganda, on December 2-4, 2008.

According to the UN, humanity will reach a major demographic milestone in 2008, when the world’s population becomes predominantly urban for the first time in history. As the urbanization trend continues, in developing countries —in Sub-Saharan Africa in particular— it is likely to be characterized by increasing urban poverty and expanding slums.

At present, one billion people are slum dwellers, many who live in inadequate housing and with limited services, under health- and life-threatening circumstances that perpetuate cycles of poverty.UNFP’s 2007 State of World Population report emphasizes the tremendous influence that improving housing in urban areas can have on poverty reduction and the environment.

More than just providing shelter and safety, housing is also necessary for maintaining a minimum level of health and well being, and it can have profound effects on social and human development.

Housing can be considered a productive asset, as many of the productive and income-generating activities carried out by the urban poor take place within and around the home.

Housing is often the most valuable asset that poor urban dwellers acquire in their lifetimes.

Location: Kampala

Country: Uganda

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